Dark Titan Entertainment IP Presentation Detailed
Today, the first division of The Dark Titan Company, Dark Titan Entertainment showcased its IP catalogue in its first-ever IP Presentation. Showcasing over thirty brands with upcoming projects scattered across a variety of media from films, TV, animation, video games, themed attractions, and audio.
Announced in the presentation were several new IPs coming in the future. Such as Legend of the Monsters, YAKMAN, The Ballad of Blood & War, Hollow Haven, Clique, and The Apprehension Theory.
The Dark Titan Universe IP was revealed to have four main projects in development aside from the upcoming release of Dynasty Wars on December 6th. Dark Titan’s The Haunted City revealed a few new projects on the horizon while the EverWar Universe detailed its roadmap. The Symbolum Venatores IP presented a list of several projects in the works with Red Rising being one of the more focused ones in development.
To view the IP Presentation in detail of your own timing, visit the Presentations page on this website and visit darktitanentertainment.com for more details pertaining to the IPs’ developments and available licensing opportunities for licensees.