Dynasty Wars, The Final Novel of The Dark Titan Universe Saga Releases December 6th
“The End Draweth Nigh”
Such is the phrase spoken at the arrival of the Lord of The Dark Gods within the Dark Titan Universe. Today, it was officially announced by Dark Titan Publishing, Dynasty Wars, the final installment to the Dark Titan Universe Saga is set to release on December 6, 2024.
In other news, Dynasty Wars will be the final release from Dark Titan Publishing as future published titles will be developed through third-party licensees as company developments shift focus toward film, TV, Animation, Video Games, and more.
The Dark Titan Universe Saga began on March 6, 2018 with the release of Dark Titan Knights. Since then, the series has seen a total of ten mosaic novels, five spin-offs, ten One-Shots, and four collections. The series is the longest and biggest from Dark Titan Publishing and on December 6th, it all comes to an end.
Chapter 2 of The Dark Titan Company Comes to a Close.